Friday, December 7, 2007

Landmark Birthday

Thirty years ago today I gave birth to my first baby, my precious son. It's so hard to believe he's 30. 30! How in the world can I have a kid that old?

There he is . . . his first day of life. We've been through a lot through the years, good, bad and everything in between. He was such a funny little boy and a total joy to raise. He gives me inspiration and I look up to him, not just because he's taller than me, but because he's a fine young man.

So tonight we will celebrate his birthday with pizza and cake at my house. He requested pineapple upside down cake, so I made one.

Can't wait to eat that!

I'm still working on that second mitten for him for Christmas. It's so slow going. Went to the hospital last night to see Mom. She's doing OK. But she started crying, and I don't blame her, she's so sick of being in a hospital, nursing home, people prodding, poking, constantly. I just want to take her home with me. The hell with my job, the hell with everything. But I know I can't, so I just keep plodding on.

Anyways, I took the day off, to me it's a holiday, my firstborn's birthday!


Larjmarj said...


Give mom a hug for me, she needs all she can get.

Leeann said...

Aww, how exciting! I loved reading about your son. :)

I'm so sorry about your mom, though, here's hoping she feels much better soon.