The furry purple purse is now lined and finished . . . with purple polka dot fabric! I made a little pocket in the lining and it closes with Velcro. You are seeing it inside out. Then I made a little change/makeup purse to go with it. It's not lined, but it does have a real old button on it from my great aunt's button box. I inherited the button box when she died. Lots of cool old buttons in there. Don't know what I'm going to do with this purse, but it was fun to make. I may give it to someone for Christmas.
I'm finishing up my mom's change/makeup purse and will give it to her for her birthday which is August 1. She gave me some yarn a couple of months ago and I made it with that. More fuzzy wuzzy stuff. It's fun to work with, but that's enough of that for awhile.
So anyway, what is with this obsession with Ravelry? Am I the only one not on the list waiting to get in? Is it only for knitting? I guess if I tried to get in I'd be last on the list with 25,673,298 before me.
Monday, July 30, 2007
Purple Purses
Posted by
7/30/2007 05:46:00 PM
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Nothing on the needles . . . oh my!
Oh to be four again! My grandson is watering my weeds, so nice of him.
I have nothing on the needles at the moment, yikes!
I finished up the little purse that goes with the furry purse. Still need to take a pic. I got so fed up with the socks I was knitting, stitches kept falling off the needles, there were so many mistakes, and it was GIANT sized, so I just cut the yarn and slipped it off the needles. I'm not going to frog it that way I can be reminded of how frustrating it was at times. So much for that. I'll try socks again another time, maybe on circulars.
I had a temporary slip up on the yarn diet and bought a ball of Sugar & Cream in pink to make a dishcloth with the breast cancer ribbon on it for someone in my knitting group. Her mother-in-law has breast cancer and they are doing a fund raiser. I believe the person in my group has cancer too, not sure what kind, I don't know her too well yet.
So now the decision making process starts again . . . what to knit. A fun decision anyway!
Posted by
7/28/2007 08:55:00 AM
Thursday, July 26, 2007
The day before Friday . . . yay!
Ok, so here's a fun little project I've been working on, a furry purse! It was fun to make. I made it with one strand of worsted wool in lilac and one strand of cha cha in a purple color. You can't really see the lilac. It is oh so soft! I got the pattern in an email from (knitting). So then I got fancy and lined it today in purple and white polka dot fabric. I even sewed a little pocket in the lining like a purse from the store would have. I am now working on a little change type purse thing to go in it. But had to take a break from knitting and go on-line, was having on-line withdrawals, lol! Once the little purse is done I'll photograph them together and show off the lining too.
I've been tagged! I need to tell 6 things about myself, so let's see . . .
1. I love shopping in thrift stores, love it! I go for the heck of it at times just to see what's there and buy stuff I didn't even know I needed. Haven't been in a while, so I'm getting itchy to go soon, and to garage sales.
2. I went to one of my high school reunions, the 15th. I hated it. It was the dumbest thing I ever did. It was a picnic in a park type thing. Not a lot of people. The snobs were in their little group (still, at that age!). The people I wanted to see weren't there. I'd like to go to a grade school reunion, that would be fun. I went to a Catholic grade school, small classes, not a lot of people.
3. I can wiggle my ears. My kids used to bug me to do this for them.
4. I'm terrified of spiders and centipedes. I wish they would just stay out of my house or stay in hiding so I don't have to look at them and avoid the room where they are if I can't squish them.
5. I do not own a single dress or skirt. But lately I've been wanting to buy one of those long flowing summer skirts just to have it and be comfy. Hmmmmm, see #1, may have to go to the thrift store, lol!
6. I like to wash my car. It's fun to play in the water on a hot summer day and get the car all nice and clean. I know how to put air in my tires and gas in the tank. I know where the oil goes and could put some in if it was low, same with the windshield washer fluid. But if I ever had a flat tire, I would have no idea how to work the tire jack.
There ya go! Hope I didn't bore you. If you have 6 things about you on your blog, leave me a comment and I'd love to go read them!
Posted by
7/26/2007 08:56:00 PM
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
2nd July Dishcloth
This is the 2nd July dishcloth, finally got around to photographing it and uploading it, all that good fun computer type stuff. I like it, but I didn't like making it. Sorry if I offend anyone.
Not much going on today. It's humid. Quiet. Had a busy day at work and today I just hate my job, so I won't talk about that. Worked on my giant sock for a while. Finished the cute little purple furry purse. I'll post a pic of that next time.
Is anyone reading this? How do we know if anyone is reading our blogs?
Posted by
7/25/2007 09:20:00 PM
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Happy Birthday to me
OK, so I turned the big five oh yesterday. Scary. My daughter took me to a placed called Frankenmuth, a Bavarian town in Michigan, noted for it's chicken dinners. It was a grand time. We ate like there was no tomorrow. Chicken, mashed potatoes, gravy, dressing, coleslaw, bread, cheese spread, soup, pickles, pate (didn't have any, too chicken to try it, no pun intended, lol), and I got a sundae for dessert. That stuff I'm holding was decorating my sundae, a happy birthday pick and a little monkey. Today reality has set in, I'm 50.
I'm still on the yarn diet. Sigh. But I need to use some stash up and save up for Kniterpalooza in September. Haven't taken any pics of finished objects, too lazy, maybe tomorrow.
Posted by
7/24/2007 09:57:00 PM
Friday, July 13, 2007
Back to reality . . . with stash
Greetings! I have returned to the land of blogging. Went away for a few days on vacation and just haven't felt like blogging since I returned. I've been reading blogs, just not posting. Don't even know if anyone is even reading this.
Anyhoo, when I got back I finished the first of the monthly knit along dishcloths. It's orange with a sun and the picture is horrible. Of course I have to show off my bag of stash. I felt so proud carrying those bags out of the store and into my hotel room and then eventually home. All the stash I got is in the last picture. Peaches & Cream, Sugar & Cream, fun stuff! Got some stuff with squiggles from the Dollar store, yes, the Dollar Store! I can make something fun with that, not sure what yet. Some wool blends from Plymouth yarn, and some squishy soft purple stuff called Jelly Bean. Boy was that fun buying all that. Not all at once. Had to space it out. Some is from Walmart, the rest is from the big craft store called Arnie's, which is in Houghton Lake, and then there's the Dollar Store stuff. I've currently got nothing on the needles, so time for a new project! Finished the mittens I was making for my mom today. The new knit along doesn't start until Monday, so now I've got to decide what to play with this weekend. Decisions, decisions.
Posted by
7/13/2007 10:12:00 PM
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
Happy 4th of July!
Happy Independence Day!
This is the cloth I made using Peaches & Cream for the first time. It looks better in person. I'm going to look for more while on vacation, heheheheh
Have a great 4th of July! Enjoy the cookouts, the fireworks, family, friends, and knitting!
Posted by
7/04/2007 09:21:00 AM
Tuesday, July 3, 2007
Vineyard and Peaches & Cream
Hello! Don't know if anyone is reading this. I finished the Vineyard dishcloth. I like it, but the bottom came out kind of wavy, it didn't show up in the pic. Never said I was a good picture taker! I found some Peaches & Cream at the local Walmart the other day, so just HAD to buy it and TRY it. I made gramma's favorite dishcloth with the ball on the left, "Old Glory". I'll have to take a pic and post it later. I really couldn't tell much of a difference from Sugar & Cream. I like them both.
Tomorrow is the grand vacation, lol! I'm going up north for a few days, to a place I go every year, with the teen. Probably the last family vacation. Hopefully the teen will get over herself and enjoy it.
If I don't get back before tomorrow, hope everyone has a great Fourth of July!
Posted by
7/03/2007 07:09:00 PM