Friday, April 16, 2010

Friday, finally!

TGIF! Let the weekend begin!

Been busy sewing some more and finally took more pictures. First off this little bag. I got the pattern from Lazy Girl designs. Such cute stuff they have. It was free too!

All folded up, nice and neat. And it unfolds into this:

A fun little project. Didn't take long at all. And I'm so in love with that pansy fabric. Bought it on vacation last year.

I made another notebook cover. This time for my daughter.

This one turned out much better.

And yes, I do still knit. It just takes so long to finish a project so you don't see much knitting on here. I'm still working on that lacy shawl. It's in timeout because I keep making mistakes and have to rip back to the lifelines. I did start a sock and did a picot edge on it.

That was my first time doing a picot edge and it turned out! I love it.

I've made so many bags in the last few months. They are really stacking up, didn't know where to put them. I found these bird hooks at Joann's, on clearance for $2.97 each and hung them on the wall.

I love them! Now my bags can hang neatly on the hooks instead of on doorknobs.

Next up is the little quilt from Moda Bakeshop. I have it all cut out and hope to start sewing it this weekend.

1 comment:

Lois Evensen said...

Wow, so busy. Yes, it's addicting, isn't it. Your bags look very nice.
